
I love this Peter! I feel Hillbilly wisdom and the Circular Economy is exactly what we need for humanity's survival. While hillbilly wisdom reminds us to cherish our roots, respect nature, and make do with what we have, the Circular Economy teaches us to minimize waste, reuse resources, and close the loop. They both lift up the unsung heroes -- those workers keeping our communities strong and resilient. Together, they represent a powerful paradigm shift in resetting our values towards sustainability and resilience. After all, in a world where 'waste not, want not' meets 'reduce, reuse, and recycle,' we can tap into the timeless wisdom of hillbillies and the innovative principles of the circular economy to pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future.

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Common sense definitely is not so common anymore...how true. As someone on the internet observed "fifty years ago an automobile owner's manual showed you how to adjust the valves, now it warns you not to drink the contents of the battery". Thanks for some timeless wisdom.

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