May 1, 2023Liked by Celina Barton

The greatest joy of Singing Bridge. Is that you, Celina, keep bringing us all back to our proverbial “roots.“ Your brilliant writing, enables this child of the New York suburbs to experience the beauty of your rural community as a child, enhanced by your dear Mum and her passion for passing down the wonderful May Day rituals, and traditions.

If you had, indeed been suffering from some sort of “writers block,“ this transition from darkness to light has given you the opportunity to unleash the fullness of your creative spirit.

Thank you. You make Singing Bridge the wonderful vision that can be turned back into reality. The sense of community, of neighbor, helping neighbor, of sharing and caring, trumps the golden idol, and the chase for the green back by a mile. Especially when civilization seems determined to commit mass suicide. Better to live and die in the company of close friends, then in the soulless towers of the anonymous cities.

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Beautiful. Singing Bridge keeps getting better!

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I have to say this is a bit of a SB master piece!! Too young to actually remember the pjs dropping to the gym floor, I do remember the story, quite the childhood trauma story, transformed into a new narrative ! I absolutely agree we are so thirsty for ritual and meaning and yet again and again we forget to prioritize the celebration of nature and her cycles, the stepping stones on our human hero’s journey. The summer solstice is just around the corner! Let’s have an SB celebration - time to reignite these life affirming traditions ⭕️

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